‘I published a book and sold hundreds – the money was wild’ | Books | Entertainment

Many of us dream of getting a book published one day – whether it be a novel or stories based on true events in our life.

But landing an agent or publishing deal is just the start of things – as it takes much more than this to be successful.

An author called Ariadna Arias took to TikTok to explain how difficult it is to turn writing into a profitable career. In a candid video, she revealed the measly amount she made from selling hundreds of books.

She said: “I have sold 270 copies of my book. How much money have I earned? Very little.”

You may be wondering why the profits have been so limited – and there’s a good reason. Of those 270 books, 240 were sold on Amazon and a whopping 205 of them were given out completely free.

For those Amazon sales, Ariadna pocketed 50 Euros (around £41). However, direct sales were a little more profitable.

Around 30 books sold on Instagram, paid for in cash and without promotional discounts. Ariadna added: “I earned 90 Euros net (around £75) from those.” In total, her literary debut has left her with around 140 Euros (approximately £120) in her pocket.

This isn’t a lot, especially when you take printing costs, shipping and commissions into consideration. Ariadna revealed 100 Euros (£83) had been used to cover these areas, leaving her with just enough to afford a coffee and pastry.

However, the author doesn’t let this get her down. She added: “My goal was not to get rich with this book, but to share my message and my experience. Knowing that I have connected with more than 270 people is worth much more than any figure.”

How much money do authors make?

The amount of money an author makes varies widely and depends on a number of factors, such as the author’s experience, the type of publishing deal (traditional publishing vs. self-publishing), the book’s genre, marketing efforts, and how successful the book is.

Traditionally published authors typically sign contracts with publishing houses, which offer advances and royalties. Debut writers can expect to receive anything between £1,000 to £50,000, depending on their promise and the size of the publisher.

For print books, royalties usually range from 5% to 15% of the book’s retail price. For eBooks, royalties tend to range from 25% to 30% of the net revenue. For example, if a paperback sells for £20 and you earn a 10% royalty, you’d make £2 per book.

Top-selling authors (e.g., in genres like commercial fiction, thrillers, or fantasy) can earn six or seven-figure advances. However, this level of success is quite rare.

When it comes to self-published authors, things can be a lot trickier. They have to bear all the costs of publishing themselves (editing, cover design, marketing, etc.), but they typically keep a larger share of the profits.

Successful self-published authors can earn anywhere from just a few dollars to six figures per year, depending on the marketing effort, pricing, and audience demand.

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